Gretchen DePauw

Gretchen has been in the human resources field for more than 15 years, primarily focusing on Talent Management and Talent Acquisition. Gretchen has worked in various industries to include manufacturing, energy, medical, and government. She has her Bachelor’s of Social Work from Arizona State University and her Master’s of Science with an HR Emphasis from Troy State University. In 2012, Gretchen obtained her Human Capital Strategist certification through the Human Capital Institute (HCI). Gretchen is a military veteran, serving 7 years with the United States Air Force, and 2 years with the Georgia Air National Guard where she was promoted to the rank of Major and her last position was the Chief of EEO. Gretchen has been working as an HR consultant for S+S Consulting, Inc. since 2013.
Owner/Dentist, Desert Springs Family Dentistry